Friday, February 24, 2012


DELIVERABLES on Friday March 9

On Friday March 9 we are going to devote the afternoon to the sending of our box of goodies. 
You need to be there at 9:30 with the following deliverables:
1. BE ON TIME: 9:30 =9:30 hrs (and 13:10=13:10).

2. Name, emailaddress and telephone and (if you have) your www.
plain text format

3. A plain piece of text about your work, title and name included: in English
around 80-150 words. It should state the concept and and the purpose of the intervention.

4. One PERFECT copy of your finished poster (or printed work)
the real stuff

5. A registration of the work in public space 
It can be a movie or a screen or a publication, or a poster in itself with the text on it.

6. Plus a digital file of the registration in either jpg or pdf.
no other file types!

I will bring a box, stickers and cute wrapping paper so we are making our chances to WIN WIN WIN bigger!  

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