Saturday, February 4, 2012

Eer het kleine / het proces

Reacties zijn heel erg welkom!


  1. Hi M&M,

    i think you should definately make stronger typo, because its now almost to close to 'normal' religious output. It could be good to invert the message or use unusual colors, so you are not recreating a know universe of the Jehovas or something. De slogan 'EER HET KLEINE' also is very close to phrases used by these groups. I think you should not be too much associated (although i love pastel).
    You have to find a way to get your message across, and it could be good to have stronger, more unusual voice in there / a mix of other elements, etc. How does the slogan translate (seeing we go to chaumont)?

    Pink Floyd


    all seeing eye

  2. Yes! Thank you for your comments..! We kept hanging in the same place, but tomorrow we will try it again. We will keep your comments in mind then.. :)

  3. Happy go lucky tomorrow!
    But more/other comments are always welcome i suppose?
