Friday, April 13, 2012


Here you can download the new assignment for PlayLab:
Please read this carefully and dont start too late!

HOMEWORK for the 20th of April

Make collages that visualize sound
A. Collect 150 images that tell different meanings of the topic of sound. Try to find as many possible and different interpretations and visualizations of the topic. Print out the pictures black and white. (Print 6 images on an A4 sheet and cut them out, hang the pictures on the wall). 

B. Based on the photo collection above, make a minimum of three A3 (photoshop or lowtech) collages and try to visualize sound. Shapes, colors, ideas and meanings are being combined in an intuitive/improvised way. The collages could reveal ideas that would otherwise remain hidden.

C. To each collage write a short conclusion, or statement. To what unexpected results did you come? The collages will be used as the starting point for further research and to develop your visual essay.  

Start visual essay (immediately after kickoff)
- the visual essay presents your ideas on sound and design and argues your statement about this clear and convincing. Your essay shows how you come to your concept, why you make certain choices, and how this concept is translated in to the visual proposal. 

Be aware of this tight schedule, you can't afford to miss and or skip class!

Friday, February 24, 2012


DELIVERABLES on Friday March 9

On Friday March 9 we are going to devote the afternoon to the sending of our box of goodies. 
You need to be there at 9:30 with the following deliverables:
1. BE ON TIME: 9:30 =9:30 hrs (and 13:10=13:10).

2. Name, emailaddress and telephone and (if you have) your www.
plain text format

3. A plain piece of text about your work, title and name included: in English
around 80-150 words. It should state the concept and and the purpose of the intervention.

4. One PERFECT copy of your finished poster (or printed work)
the real stuff

5. A registration of the work in public space 
It can be a movie or a screen or a publication, or a poster in itself with the text on it.

6. Plus a digital file of the registration in either jpg or pdf.
no other file types!

I will bring a box, stickers and cute wrapping paper so we are making our chances to WIN WIN WIN bigger!  

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Mijn laatste ontwerp voor het font!
Ga donderdag drukken!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Definitieve ontwerp

De vormen en tekst staan nu vast. Het beeld kan alle kanten op gedraaid worden in de poster, maar de witte driehoek komt altijd recht in beeld. Zie de proefjes die we vorige week hebben uitgevoerd. De posters hebben voorlopig 2 formaten: A3 en A2. Morgen even met Harmen overleggen hoe het zit met de kleurlagen.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

This is a new idea based on the first idea of co-existing in the city....
So I am still going to make a stop motion, the story, the Type I made is looking for the perfect place to hang....What is a good place for Graphic design in Public space? And the journey to it...The whole storyboard and story still need to be made and better thought of...

It is a way to find the balance in the city, there is so much graphic design how do we seperate one from another, or do we need to??

So for the Type trevellign through the city I wanted to make my own. The idea is based on photo's I made in the city of different logo's, posters, texts etc. I used this type to make my own....Layers build up from different type in the city.

The photo's made on the street, and the Type I used.
All the fonts I use for my font....
The final result...

Bye Marleen

Friday, February 10, 2012

Graphic Design in Public Space: THE ASSIGNMENT

Maak een ingreep in de publieke ruimte, gebruikmakend van drukwerk, en gebaseerd op het principe van herhaling. 
De documentatie moet resulteren in een (serie) poster(s), een boek of een screen. Dit wordt als eindresultaat beoordeeld. 
Friday 16 February :

Friday 20 January : first breakdown to concept / sketches

Friday 27 January : second breakdown to concept / sketches

Friday 3 February (with Harmen) : final decisions, technical output into films
Friday 10 February (with Harmen) : PRINTING
Friday 17 February (with Harmen) : PRINTING
Friday 24 February (with Harmen) : PRINTING
27 Feb - 2 March HOLIDAY (finalize your documentation)
Friday 9 March : sending to Chaumont (deadline Monday 12th of March)
Friday 16 March : presenting/interventing the work in Den Haag
Friday 23 March : discussion the reader with moderator (not confirmed yet)

E N D  of  S E M E S T E R!


Thursday, February 9, 2012

Massive Visual Material

I want to raise awareness to passersby that without they realize it, they indigestion excessive mind-numbing advertising.
So, i would like to put my blurry poster on many existing posters (in one or several streets) with these two messages :
- "With this hublub visual, you become stupid",
- "You indigestion passively a Massive Visual Material."

Format : A2
Colors : cyan, magenta, yellow

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Hello everybody.

This is an overview of practical KABK screenprinting info to help you streamline your production.
It's a lot, I know...

1 table fits A0 (841 x 1189 mm) 
consider to combine 2 A1 stencils on 1 A0 screen (and cover one half while you print the other) to save time.
2 tables fit printsize 560 x 760 mm (= between A2 (420 x 594 mm) and A1 (594 x 841 mm))
an odd size, but paper bought by the sheet in most stores come in 50 x 70 cm or 100 x 70 cm, so that's a good thing.

Should be flat, toner (whatever your use should be really black)
Please note that halftones can not be cut without making ugly lines in the print.

Good quality laserprint on halfmatted plastic-like A3 film:
go to 'edele technieken', down the stairs at etching room, ask Marijn Rietveld on mon-tue-wed
or buy it yourself and use any decent laserprinter.

Larger sizes:
If the design allows it: make a montage of A3's with transparent tape.
2 layers overlap is okay, 3 is too much (the UV can't pass through).

Larger sizes without montage, outside KABK:
cheap photocopy on transparent paper from a roll (usually 90 cm max.):
- Repro v/d Kamp, Wegastraat 40
- NDR, Valeriusstraat

KABK photography dept., Martijn Valkenburg, is supposed to have a large Epson inkjetprinter.
you could ask for the matted film from a roll, but I'm not sure they still do it.

03 SCREENS (zeven)
It's your job to check in time with Dodog or Martin if the screensize you need is available!

04 INK
Unico AQ (waterbased for paper) ink is sold by Goedman

TIP! Share colours with your group, make sure there's enough transparent base, and buy a liter of retarder as a group.

I will bring empty pots + lids to mix and store.

Roosje is trying to get some sponsored.
If this doesn't work out, keep in mind that the moisture in the ink affects the paper.
The more ink (large solid areas), the more impact. Keep that in mind choosing the right weight.

06 NEWSPRINT (krantenpapier)
Essential tool to get going and repair stuff while printing, make sure you have it at hand.
Does the KABK shop (openings hours?) carry it?

Smallest printable elements (lines, type, pixels in bitmapped images) should have a minimum of .5 mm in positive and negative. There will always be even smaller elements (i.e. the endparts of serifs in type), but if you stick to this rule of thumb, you're avoiding lots of trouble. Zoom in and check this!

Photographic images or grey scale textures from Illustrator can be screenprinted if you transform them to halftones in PhotoShop.

If you use a PostScript laserprinter like in the computerlab, Photoshop will rasterise your image if you follow the guides below. When you go to Cito or Repros (who use relatively dumb large size copymachines) the info below is used to incorporate the halftone-info as a bitmap.

Because of the 120 T screens for paper, and the waterbased inks we use, this STANDARD method usually works best:

- 18 lines/cm = 45 lines/inch = technical maximum 

less lines like 15 l/cm = 37 l/inch means cruder halftones, are can also beautiful (if the dimensions of the image are not too small) AND MUCH EASIER TO PRINT!

other halftone settings
- angle first halftone 22.5 degrees, each following layer (CMYK) + 30 degrees (unless you like moiré)
- elliptical dots

Feel free to experiment using other angles and dots (it's fun!), but whatever you try, make sure to stay UNDER the 18 lines/cm = 45 lines/inch!

The large photocopying machines at repro services used for cheap film on transparent paper from rolls don't print over 150 dpi, so this is the preferred resolution you give to them in PDF format. 

Please note that making the transition from greyscale to bitmap, very high resolutions like 1000 dpi, give more refined bitmapped halftone dots. Try it if you like at 100% printing size, but make sure to lower the resolution to 150 dpi when you're ready for filmoutput.

If you rasterize your image through a Postscript laserprinter like the one in the computerlab, the dots will always look more smooth due to the higher printing resolution.

09 Clothing
Bring an apron or old clothing!

10 TAPE PLAKBANDBring plakband: the normal, plain stuff.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

too little, too late

Misschien zijn de franse niet zo blij met het "fucking" gedeelte. Daar is misschien plek voor een iet wat netter woord...


Harmen Liemburg is coming again, for the next 4 weeks in a row.
We will work in the silkscreen room (please show Nazanin if she doesn't know it).
For tomorrow, I have asked you to put design on the table, so no more concept thinking but DO IT!
Think about SIZE - you know it does matter!
Morning class starts at 9:30 hrs.


Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Marte & Marit

Onze brainstorm en ideeen.
Tips en opmerkingen altijd welkom!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

A internet free weekend later...

Koos internet loos - na een weekend heerlijk fijn in de rust -eindelijk- het voorwerk oploaden dat ik stiekem had willen doen via een of andere kpn -internet- hotspot. Dan nu maar bij thuiskomst :)

Saturday, January 28, 2012


Totem poles: Not to be worshipped, but to show where you're from and what your values are. They tell mythological stories that are in connection with the family or group the totem is for or about. It's also used for communicating with strangers coming to town. The totem poles will show the stranger what and who he's dealing with.

The totem elements are always nature and animal based. Every animal or element representing a strength and/or a value. Those values show what's important to them. What is important in our society today, what are our values?

What would a modern totem pole of our society look like?

Well, that's what I'm doing!

The totem pole can be printed on any material, to be put in a public space
It can be loose segments, so you can built up your own totem pole
Or as a pattern, printed on clothing, so that you can wear it.


My message 'MARK ZUCKERBERG CHANGED MY LIFE' , is basically my response to the influence of Facebook in my life - and in the life of many others. A lot of times I get pretty annoyed when I find myself on Facebook, and I realise that I am wasting my time. I want to express this and make other people aware of this development in society.

Facebook became part of my daily life. It's amusing, and sometimes it's really nice, when you want to share things or get in touch with someone. You can click on 'like' when you like something. I mean, has it ever been so easy to express your feelings? But it's also a bit lazy, and shallow, it doesn't mean so much.

The sentence '... changed my life' was originally used to remember one of the most famous hiphop producers, J Dilla. When he died, people were wearing this shirt which says, 'J DILLA CHANGED MY LIFE', to show how much influence J. Dilla had on hip hop.

I was thinking to use elements from Facebook to make the poster, for instance the smileys. Also I want to use the red circle with the white 1 in it, which means you have one new message.

How I want to spread this is with a flyposting campaign. I will silkscreen posters and stickers and I will spread them around town, and I can send packages with this material to other cities, like Chaumont, to let other people spread the message as well.

Friday, January 27, 2012

“...Pandora was given a beautiful jar which she was not to open under any circumstance. Impelled by her curiosity given to her by the gods, Pandora opened the jar, and all evil contained escaped and spread over the earth. She hastened to close the lid, but the whole contents of the jar had escaped, except for one thing that lay at the bottom, which was Hope...”
By opening it we made chaos and decay a part of our lifes.
Nowadays nature is neglectable and obsolete. Due to global awarenes of what’s happening in the world but with no action provided everything can go uout of control.
I support my idea with an:
interventional box
“organic” graphic system based on human modification of nature
series of posters